I had been looking in vain all year for a Nigella Lawson signature Multi-Purpose Cooking Pot ( read: Couscousier ) It was on my Stylehive most-wanted list and unfortunately was discontinued before i got my hot little hands on one.
Thank the Gods for Ebay ! One finally appeared and i pounced !
Yes, my tasty friends , i won the auction and for a very reasonable price ( less than i was willing to pay ) and it will soon take its proud place in my kitchen .
Did i mention it is shaped like La Diva Lawson , herself ?
Behold ...

"a thing of beauty is a joy forever"
1 comment:
Congrats! You are so lucky. My last ten eBay tries have gone down the drain -- I wait to bid till the last five minutes on some zero-bid item and STILL someone comes along and outbids automatically. Every time. Those creeps.
Your couscousier was meant to be!
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