Sunday, November 25, 2007

Food for Fun

photo credit

Did you ever surf around online just for fun and find the most amazing things that lead to another ....and then another ?
I was looking for play food for my 19 month old son ( we have decided to get him a play kitchen for Christmas ) and all i was finding were plastic (practical but kind of yucky ) or
wood (pretty but dangerous when whipped at high speeds towards the chihuahua) - so i expanded my search and found some great Haba Biofino felt food at Oompa Toys, but the selection is rather limited.
So in my meanderings i came across this GORGEOUS blog that really speaks to me on so many levels but guess what ? She makes fabric food!! It is beautiful and just what i needed to inspire me to get my Husqvarna out of storage . I also found Lilly Bean who makes FANTASTIC felt food but the cost is prohibitive so once again , i am going to be making food of different color in the near future . photo credit Lilly Bean Play Food

If you love food as much as i do ( and artsy things, too ) give these sites a look-see.
Really mouth-watering and it will give you a much-needed break from the stove at this time of year...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, great finds! He's going to LOOOOOVE the fabric food. it's so cute -- pancakes and bacon -- adorable!
Great blog too, good find!
