Monday, July 14, 2008

The Fruits of My Labor

This is the first harvest of my garden for the year . A lovely,vibrant English cucumber , a pale striped Caserta zucchini squash , Blue Lake green beans , Cherokee wax beans , Purple Queen beans , grape tomatoes and a handful of blackberries. They are arranged on a handmade Seminole basket i received from a friend many moons ago.

My garden is 100% Organic and i have very little trouble with pests as i have quite a few helpful birds, insects and arachnids that help keep them at bay. When i have aphids galore i find a good squirt with the hose does the trick . As a last resort i use a bio-degradable organic garden soap but i am not so sure it doesn't hurt the helpful bugs so i only use it when in dire need. I find hand -picking helps , too. While i am out admiring my handi-work it is easy enough to toss a beetle ot two to the hungry birds trying to feed the newest clutch of hatchlings.

I must give some credit to my two year old son , as well . He helped to plant the Heirloom seeds that produced such lovely fruit . I hope to instill a love of the earth and gardening in him that will stick . It is in my blood , my family has a long line of farmers and Native gardeners in its history but my Dad and his love of gardening ( and willingness to share it with me as a young child ) is what sealed it in my heart to this day . A seed planted early is guaranteed to sprout roots.
Thanks , Dad .

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Favorite Organic Dairy Foods

These two 'Super' foods are delicious , tangy and unbelievably good for you i can't believe they can help you maintain a healthy weight , too. Recent studies have proven that dairy can help burn fat as part of a healthy low-fat diet.

Kefir is that ancient food of the gods from the Caucuses that keeps the old folk living into the hundreds of years. It is available in several lowfat versions as well as whole milk .
It makes a mean smoothie , too.

Skyr is an Icelandic delight akin to Greek yogurt but even better AND it has a whopping 16 grams of protein per serving , zero fat and is thick and creamy enough to be used as a dessert.

I am so happy to add back some dairy to my diet . I am slightly lactose intolerant and have pretty much stuck to organic yogurt so it is nice to have new options.
(Thanks Whole Foods ! )

I now eat both of these everyday and highly recommend them .
They adapt well to recipes and are luscious just as they are , too.