Monday, July 14, 2008

The Fruits of My Labor

This is the first harvest of my garden for the year . A lovely,vibrant English cucumber , a pale striped Caserta zucchini squash , Blue Lake green beans , Cherokee wax beans , Purple Queen beans , grape tomatoes and a handful of blackberries. They are arranged on a handmade Seminole basket i received from a friend many moons ago.

My garden is 100% Organic and i have very little trouble with pests as i have quite a few helpful birds, insects and arachnids that help keep them at bay. When i have aphids galore i find a good squirt with the hose does the trick . As a last resort i use a bio-degradable organic garden soap but i am not so sure it doesn't hurt the helpful bugs so i only use it when in dire need. I find hand -picking helps , too. While i am out admiring my handi-work it is easy enough to toss a beetle ot two to the hungry birds trying to feed the newest clutch of hatchlings.

I must give some credit to my two year old son , as well . He helped to plant the Heirloom seeds that produced such lovely fruit . I hope to instill a love of the earth and gardening in him that will stick . It is in my blood , my family has a long line of farmers and Native gardeners in its history but my Dad and his love of gardening ( and willingness to share it with me as a young child ) is what sealed it in my heart to this day . A seed planted early is guaranteed to sprout roots.
Thanks , Dad .

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